In March 2009 Ivko has got a job offer in Zurich. That time I have been studying in Turkish Antalya, that´s why I have firstly come to Switzerland just in June. We found out that the company is opening an internship position, so I have applied, been invited for an interview and also successfully been hired :). From that time we have spent togehter 6 months in the same company - Media Tenor International.
V poslednom semestri štúdia som písala diplomovú prácu, robila prieskum a rôzne stretnutia v rámci neho. Zároveň som sa stala inžinierka a bola promovaná v júni tohto roka :). Last semester I have been writing my thesis, running a research and absolving several meetings concerning that. Finally I have graduated and become an Ingenieur :) in June this year.
Takže momentálne sme stále vo Švajčiarsku a plánujeme tu zostať aj po svadbe aspoň na rok, zarobiť si a potom odcestovať ďaleko ako dobrovoľníci v rámci "career break".
So currently we still stay in Switzerland and plan to live here also after our wedding at least for a nextcoming one year. When we earn a bit we want to do the career break and travel far away with purpose of being volunteers.
Toto je naša dedinka - Richterswil. Ak nás budete chcieť prísť navštíviť, nájdete nás na:
M&I Melay
Poststr. 14b
CH-8805 Richterswil
+41 43 5343 762
Tešíme sa na vašu návštevu!!! We are looking forward to your visit!!!
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