Those of you who know Ivo and me also realize we are not completely "normal", traditional couple. The proof of it are numerous stories from our relationship and also generally from our private lives, which we like to remember on. If I feel like that later on I will share with you some of them. Firstly I would like to reveal you the story how we met each other.
Bolo to v čase, keď som nosila na hlave šatku a Ivo mal dlhé vlasy, nečudo, že sme si vzájomne padli do oka :). Náš vzťah jednoznačne podporila organizácia AIESEC, kde sme strávili niekoľko krásnych rokov nášho života. Bola to moja prvá skúsenosť s AIESEC - cestovali sme na úvodnú konferenciu niekde k Levoči, takže bola som neskúsený nový člen. Ivko tú konferenciu viedol ako chair. Počas dňa sme sa spontánne začali baviť a neskončili sme do skorých ranných hodín - áno, rozprávali sme sa :). Obaja sme boli v tom období trochu citliví, či už sklamaní vzťahmi, alebo hľadajúci "čo ďalej", cítili sme jednoducho, že si máme veľa čo povedať a vzájomne si odovzdať. Tak to bol začiatok nášho priateľstva. Začali sme úplne nevinne :). Párkrát sme pokecali v Banskej Bystrici, kde sme sa stretli na AIESEC stretnutiach a o mesiac neskôr sme sa opäť obaja ocitli na AIESEC konferencii, tentokrát to bolo na Donovaloch. Bolo to veľké podujatie takmer s 200 študentmi z troch krajín. Ivko bol jeden z organizátorov. Jeden večer organizátori vyhlásili zaujímavú súťaž s názvom kissing competition :). Zbierali sa body podľa toho, kto pobozká najviac ľudí pri účasti svedkov a fotografie (pravidlo bolo 5s na bozk). Atmosféru dotvárala Global Village s ponukou množstva nápojov z rôznych regiónov daných troch krajín :))). S kamarátkou Lucy som sa rozhodla prejsť si stánkami a pár z nich vyskúšať. Toto bol určite jeden z dôvodov, prečo som sa aj ja rozhodla zapojiť do súťaže a získať body, keď som zrazu uvidela v miestnosti Iva :))). Body do súťaže boli príliš nízke na výhru, ale získala som môjho budúceho manžela :))), takže akcia bola vydarená a z 5s sa stalo ... :). Takže takto to celé začalo a trvá dodnes. Bolo to v roku 2004 :).
It was the time when I was wearing scarf on my hair and Ivo had long hair, naturally we attracted each other :). Our relationship was positively influenced by organization AIESEC where we have spent some beautiful years of our life. It was my first experience with AIESEC - I was an unexperienced new member and we were travelling to my first conference somewhere close to Levoča. Ivko was the one leading the conference as a chair. During the day we started spontanneously to talk and we haven´t finished until late hours - yes, we were talking :). We both were a little bit sensitive in that period of our lives, either disappointed by relationships, or "searching what´s next", simply put we felt we have a lot to share together. So this was the beginning of our friendship. We started completely in an innocent way :). Couple of times we have met on AIESEC meetings in Banska Bystrica and were talking and one month later we both attended other AIESEC conference, this time in Donovaly. It was a big event for almost 200 students from 3 countries. Ivko was one of the organizators. During one evening the organizators have announced one interesting competition named "kissing competition" :). It was about collecting points for kissing as many people as possible, there needed to be victims present who made a picture (the rule was one kiss 5sec). The atmosphere was highlighted by several kiosks with diverse drinks from various regions of those three countries. I decided with my friend Lucy to walk around the stands and try few of the drinks. Sure this was the fact which motivated me to get some points for competition after I saw suddenly Ivo :))). I haven´t succeeded in competition as the points were not enough to win however I won my future husband :))), so the action was successful and from 5 sec was ... :). So this is how it all started and lasts until today. It was in 2004 :).
tak tu akcosku si velmo dobre pamatam - to ste si s ivom vykisovali viac bozkov ako vsetci delegati dohromady :P